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Weekly Competition Law Update – 12 February 2024

12 February - 18 February 2024

News from the Turkish Competition Authority

  • Dawn Raids: The Board published its decision on imposing administrative fines on Canon Eurasia due to obstruction of on-site inspection.
  • Merger Control: The Board published its decisions approving the acquisiton of sole control over Eurokim Endiistriyel, Eurokim Deterjan and E-Kart; the acquisition of the joint control over MELECS EWS.

News from the World

  • The EU General Court has stated that ByteDance is entitled to inform its users about the advantages of certain data practices, which are currently under threat from the Digital Markets Act.
  • Mexico’s president, in his pursuit of constitutional reforms aiming to eliminate the country’s antitrust watchdog, is facing slim chances of success, and such changes may potentially violate international trade agreements, as indicated by local legal experts.
  • Apple and Microsoft have managed to avoid being designated as gatekeepers under the DMA for four of their online services. However, Google argues that such a decision will negatively impact consumers.
  • Apple’s confirmation that it is pulling support for iPhone web applications in the EU due to the DMA has provoked another backlash against the company’s compliance strategy.
  • Japan’s Fair Trade Commission has allowed five petrochemical companies to collaborate on a carbon-neutral initiative, marking the first public clearance of an environmental agreement since the agency issued sustainability guidelines.

News from the Academia

  • The book titled “The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation” was published by Andreas Reindl, Isabelle Van Damme, and the article titled “Evaluating the Consequences Connected to Promotional Activities from the Perspective of Competition Law” was published by Semih S1rn Ozdemir and Kemal Ki.i􀁧i.ikkavruk in Ankara Oniversitesi Hukuk Faki.iltesi Dergisi.

Competition Tip of the Week

In acquisition transactions, the seller is allowed to undertake a non-compete obligation for a certain period to ensure the full transfer of the value of the acquired rights or assets to the buyer. Non-compete obligations that do not exceed three years in duration are generally considered reasonable. Detailed information on this subject can be found in paragraphs 52-58 of the “Guidelines on Related Undertakings, Turnover, and Ancillary Restrictions in Mergers and Acquisitions”, please see.

Rekabet Kurumu’ndan Haberler

  • Yerinde inceleme: Kurul, Canon Eurasia’ da gerc;ekle§tirilen yerinde incelemelerin engellenmesi/zorla§tmlmas1 sebebiyle idari para cezas1 uygulanmasma ili§kin karanm yay1mlad1.
  • Birle§me ve Devralmalar: Kurul, Eurokim Endiistriyel, Eurokim Deterjan ve E-Kart’m tek kontroliiniin, MELECS EWS’in ortak kontroliiniin devrahnmasma ili§kin kararlanm yaymlad1.

Dünyadan Haberler

  • AB Genel Mahkemesi, ByteDance’m, §U anda DMA (Dijital Pazarlar Yasas1) tarafmdan tehdit edilen belirli veri uygulamalanmn avantajlan hakkmda kullamc1larm1 bilgilendirmeye yetkili oldugunu tespit etti.
  • Meksika Devlet Ba§kam, iilkenin rekabeti denetleyen kurumu ortadan kaldirmay1 amac;layan anayasa reformlanna yonelik c;abalarmda ba§an §ansmm dii§iik olduguyla kar§l kar§iya ve yerel hukuk uzmanlan tarafmdan belirtildigi iizere, bu tiir degi§iklikler uluslararas1 ticaret anla§malanm potansiyel olarak ihlal edebilir.
  • Apple ve Microsoft, online hizmetlerinin dordii ic;in DMA (Dijital Pazarlar Yasas1) kapsammda gatekeeper olarak kabul edilmedi. Ancak Google, boyle bir karann tiiketicilere olumsuz etki edecegini savunuyor.
  • Apple’m DMA (Dijital Pazarlar Yasas1) nedeniyle AB’de iPhone web uygulamalarma olan destegini c;ektigini dogrulamas1, §irketin uyum stratejisine kar§l tepkiye neden oldu.
  • Japonya Rekabet Komisyonu, be§ petrokimya §irketinin karbon notr bir giri§imde i§birligi yapmasma izin verdi; bu, kurumun siirdiiriilebilirlik yonergelerini yaymlad1gmdan beri yapilan ilk c;evresel anla§mad1r.

Akademiden Haberler

  • Andreas Reindl ve Isabelle Van Damme tarafmdan yaz1lm1§ “The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation” adh kitap ve “Reklam Faaliyetlerine Bagh Sonm;Iarm Rekabet Hukuku Perspektifinden Degerlendirilmesi” ba§hk!I makale, Semih Strn Ozdemir ve Kemal Kiic;iikkavruk tarafmdan Ankara Universitesi Hukuk Fakiiltesi Dergisi’nde yay1mlanm1§ttr.

Haftanın Rekabet Hatırlatması

Devralma i§lemlerinde, devralman hak ya da malvarhgmm degerinin tam olarak ahc1ya gec;mesi ic;in, sat1c1ya belirli bir siire ic;in ahc1 ile rekabet etmeme yiikiimliiliigii getirilmesine izin verilmektedir. Siire bakimmdan iic; y1h a§mayan rekabet etmeme yiikiimliiliiklerinin genel olarak makul oldugu kabul edilmektedir. Konuya ili§kin detayh bilgi “Birle§me ve Devralmalarda ilgili Te§ebbiis, Ciro ve Yan S1mrlamalar Hakkmda Kilavuz”un 52 ve devann paragraflarmda yer almaktadir; bkz.