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Happy International Women’s Day!

At an event held on March 13, 2024, titled “Call to the Business World to Increase the Representation of Women in Management” TÜSİAD set a benchmark for women’s representation in management positions across all firms, with a particular focus on BIST-listed companies – aiming for 25% within two years and 33% within five years. The initiative also emphasizes the importance of balanced gender representation across all management roles. Read more here:

According to the 12th Annual Report: Women on Board Türkiye 2024 by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, the percentage of women on boards of BIST-100 companies has risen to 19.7% in 2024, up from 17.3% in 2023. The ratio of independent female directors has also increased to 28.8%, compared to 25.9% last year. Access the full report here:

There is still progress to be made. In the Turkish legal sector, we are proud to be one of the few firms led by a female managing partner. At CoPartners, our current female-to-male ratio stands at 63%, and we are committed to increasing it to 70% in the future as we continue to advocate for greater gender equality.

Happy International Women’s Day!